#Ahwazna – More Ahwazi Arab children die due to cancer diseases
According to Ahwazi human rights activists, An Ahwazi Arab child by the name of Mohammad Haidari has died last week after being suffered from cancer illness. 4-year-old Mohammad, the son of Farhan Haidari, was diagnosed with liver cancer just few months ago at Shafa hospital in Ahwaz city.
In recent years, ranges of cancer diseases claimed the lives of large numbers of Ahwazi people particularly children under age of 15 as it was also the major cause of death for 4 to 14-year-old children.
Here is a new partial list of the names of child victims affected by cancer diseases and died last month:
1: Emad Mousavi 2: Ehsan Mousavi 3: Masoumeh Mazreh 4: Sabhani
5: Hussein Sheikh Saeed 6: Jassem Zaeri 7: Lefteh Sawari 8: Yasser Sayahi 9: Mohammad Haidari
Being deprived of having access to safe drinking water which is a basic right for people have left deadly impacts on Ahwazi people’s health and wellbeing.
Karoon River, which is the main water source of Ahwazi people, is contaminated heavily due to direct discharge of untreated urban wastewater. The wastewater that includes human and animal feces and also chemical substances coming from industrial factories nearby city causing Karoon River become ideal breeding grounds for carcinogenic bacteria and viruses. So having contact with such contaminated water through drinking, washing or bathing poses dangerous health risks on people. As the latest medical reports have previously confirmed that the leading cause for the outbreak of cancer, deadly and infectious diseases is water and air contamination in Ahwazi regions. Being deprived of having access to safe drinking water which is a basic right for people have left deadly impacts on Ahwazi people’s health and wellbeing.